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第二十九屆澳門藝術節《山水 賦》| 《Humming of the Landscape》



Macau Cultural Centre

山水之間都是短暫的虛幻,一陣風吹過,剩下搖搖欲墜的支架,一碰就碎。 A temporal illusion between a hill and a creek is a tumbling frame that will crumble with just a gust of wind.

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第二十九屆澳門藝術節《山水 賦》| 《Humming of the Landscape》
第二十九屆澳門藝術節《山水 賦》| 《Humming of the Landscape》

Time & Location

2018年5月19日 下午8:00 – 2018年5月20日 下午9:30

Macau Cultural Centre, Macau

About The Event

第二十九屆澳門藝術節《山水 賦》


舞蹈及裝置劇場《山水 賦》以物料作為隱喻的主體,透過形體編作、裝置及視覺藝術,探索人與城市及自然之間如何相互操控、建造及破壞,引發大家思考如今包圍我們的人為風景與自然建築的關係。所有具有體積的東西均由點、線、面,經緯架構交織而成,織品、物料與人的身體均被結構而成,並能以同樣的方式被劃破解構。導演莫倩婷與多棲視覺設計師聶雯婷繼以織品、物料作為創作主導的《織.景.物》及漫天塑膠的《織.景.物:晚潮》後,今年再帶來全新系列創作《山水 賦》。

概念/ 編導 / 演出:莫倩婷






The 29th Macao Art Festival《Humming of the Landscape》

A temporal illusion between a hill and a creek is a tumbling frame that will crumble with just a gust of wind.

Dance and installation theatre Humming of the Landscape uses materials as key metaphors in exploration of the manipulative, constructive and destructive relationships among mankind, city and nature through movements, installations and visual arts. It hopes to stimulate audiences to reflect on the links between our surrounding artificial landscape and natural landscape. Every physical object is formed by dots, lines and planes in a woven structure, a similar structure in which textile products, materials and human bodies are composed and decomposed. Director Jenny Mok and multi-talented visual designer Nip Man Teng join hands again this year to present their latest collaboration, Humming of the Landscape, following their precious works, namely the textile product and fabric oriented Weaving Landscape and plastic product oriented Weaving Landscape: Night Tide that explores the nature of plastics.

Concept Scenography, Director and Performer: Jenny Mok

Concept Scenography, Visual and Lighting Design: Nip Man Teng

Lighting Control: Leong Son U

Stage Design Assistant: Kaby Chan

Stage Managers: Lei Weng Kit and Horis Chao

Producer: Sarah Sun

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澳門宋玉生廣場393號皇朝廣場6樓i室, Macau


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