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TODOS FEST! 第五屆共融藝術節



澳门Avenida AvenueXian Xing HaiNew Reclamation Area

TODOS FEST! 第五屆共融藝術節
TODOS FEST! 第五屆共融藝術節

Time & Location

2025年3月01日 下午2:00 – 2025年3月02日 下午8:00

澳门Avenida AvenueXian Xing HaiNew Reclamation Area

About The Event


#Dance performance, movie, market stalls

共融聲音  變革前沿

Leading different voices to a common ground, inspiring inclusive perspectives

多年來,石頭公社與多個社福機構合作,蓄積了對身心障礙人士和長者深厚的觀察和互動,藉着劇場創作去激發他們探尋和打開身體的可能性、回望過去和聆聽心炊裡的聲音,透過劇場讓他們表達屬於自己的生命輪廓。過往四屆的《Todos Fest!共融藝術節》相當成功,迎來第五屆,我們會繼續前進,除了演出,Todos Fest! 還會舉辦放映活動,迷你音樂會,工作坊及攤位活動,將共融藝術帶到更遠的地方。

Comuna de Pedra has joined with local community groups for years to open theatre for all - including individuals with physical and mental disabilities and the elderly. With substantial experience and observation, we encourage the local minority groups to explore the body's possibilities, look back to their past, listen to their hearts and express themselves through theatre-making. The last four  editions of Todos Fest! have received favourable reviews and responses. This year, we proudly present the fifth  edition, featuring screenings, a multimedia performance, workshops and an inclusive market. We hope to bring inclusive art far and beyond. 

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澳門宋玉生廣場393號皇朝廣場6樓i室, Macau


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